Sunday, January 24, 2010

Sunday morning

It's Sunday morning and I'm taking a few "ME" minutes before I go to the hospital to visit my mother. It's been a really long week. My favorite uncle went into the hospital last Tuesday and passed away on Friday night. On Thursday, I took Mom to the doctor for a follow-up exam and he suggested she go over to the ER for a chest x-ray because her breathing wasn't good and she's had congestive heart failure before. Without going into detail, she had some major issues and they kept her in the hospital. She may not get out until tomorrow or later. I had to go in yesterday to tell her that her brother had died; this was not unexpected, just sooner than we thought. So, it's been a long week and likely this week will be like that, too.

I just wanted to write this down for some reason. Maybe to get it off me and onto the blog so that I could say goodbye to it. I'm going to miss Uncle Franko, but he's not been healthy for a very long time and I think it's merciful that he passed so peacefully.

Can't say more for now. Maybe I'll update this later.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Ellen, so sorry about your uncle.... hope your mom gets out soon too! Nice to hear you're surviving winter... :o) Don't forget you're not alone.... you're so lucky to have Mike too!


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